【同义词辨析】 2018-03-26 易怒irascible-choleric

irascible: implies a tendency to be angered on slight provocations: the boys got a rise out of the ~ old man.  

choleric: may suggest impatient excitability and unreasonableness in addition to an irritable frame of mind: a ~ invalid tried the nurses' patience.  (irritable: 不耐烦的容易生气)

splenetic: suggests moroseness, and a bad RATHER THAN a hot temper:the ~ type that harbour a grudge.

testy: suggests irascibility over small annoyances: everyone grew ~ under the emotional strain.

touchy: implies readiness to take offence and undue irritability and sensitiveness: ~ about reference to her weight.

cranky: suggests a habitual fretful irritability with those who fail to conform to one's set notions, fixed ideas, or unvarying standards: ~ neighbors much given to complaining.

cross: suggests a temporary irascibility or grumpy irritability as from disappointment or discomfort: a squabble that left her ~ all day. (squabble: 小争吵)

irascible: 小的挑衅就生气的倾向choleric:耐躁激动无理易怒4种性格中的胆汁质性格 splenetic:阴郁""脾气 (不是火暴脾气) testy: 等于irascible由于小事而生气 touchy: 表示因为敏感而易怒,cranky:对于不符合自己要求的人烦恼生气(fret=worry烦恼)cross: 暂时生气,比如失望不适等.

记忆方法:1TCTC ISC, 太差太差真是差<==易怒

         2)易怒的意思是容易生气发怒mean easily angered or enraged.